American Fuzzy Lop

  • COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: United States
  • USES: Pet, show
  • WEIGHT: 4 pounds (1.8 kg) max., senior does
  • BODY TYPE: Compact
  • FUR TYPE: Wool; dense, slightly coarse


  • Agouti Group — chestnut, chinchilla, lynx, squirrel
  • Broken Group — any recognized breed color in conjunction with white and carrying the breed pattern
  • Pointed White Group — white body with markings of black, blue, chocolate, or lilac on the nose, feet, and tail
  • Self Group — black, blue, blue-eyed white, chocolate, lilac, ruby-eyed white
  • Shaded Group — sable point, Siamese sable, Siamese smoke pearl, tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell
  • Wide Band Group — fawn, orange

The American Fuzzy Lop’s flat face makes its head look
like a furry dented tennis ball with bright eyes.

The American fuzzy lop is a creation of the 1980S, when Patty Greene-Karl decided to establish a fuzzy wool coat in a distinct breed. Prior to her careful breeding program, the fuzzy coat that had fascinated many breeders turned up only incidentally and unpredictably in lops, the result of French Angora blood, having been introduced to Holland Lops. Greene-Karl worked on her project for several years, eventually creating a wooly, compact, muscled rabbit with solid shoulders and hindquarters. The American Fuzzy Lop’s conformation is unmistakably akin to that of its Holland Lop forebears. In fact, the breed standard basically describes a wooled Holland Lop. The Fuzzy Lop’s fur is slightly coarse in comparison to that of the Angoras in its ancestry. The minimum length of an American Fuzzy

Lop’s fur is 1 inches (3.8 cm); 2-inch (5 cm) fur is preferred. The fur is of consistent length all over the animal’s body and comes in a multitude of colors. Like all other lop-eared rabbits, the Fuzzy has ears that flop down below its jaw, to 1 full inch (1.3–2.5 cm) in the Fuzzy’s case.